Our Mission

To benefit society by promoting the development and realization of Digital Earth

About ISDE Publications

ISDE publishes two international peer-reviewed academic journals – the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE) and the Big Earth Data (BED). The two journals were jointly published by ISDE and Taylor & Francis Group. IJDE was inaugurated in March 2008 and was accepted for coverage by the Science Citation Index in 2009. The journal receives an impact factor of 4.606 in 2022, ranking 15/34 (Q2) in the Remote Sensing category and 11/48 (Q1) in the Geography, Physical category. BED was launched in 2017. This journal is the world's first big data journal on Earth sciences. The journal has been indexed by ESCI, DOAJ, Scopus, Ei Compendex and GEOBASE.


In 2019, ISDE published the Manual of Digital Earth, the first scientific book of Digital Earth. This book, co-edited by Prof. Huadong Guo, Prof. Mike Goodchild, and Dr. Alessandro Annoni, was contributed by more than 100 authors from 18 countries worldwide. It mainly covers the current status and future directions for Digital Earth research, a systematic analysis of the theories, methods, and technical systems of Digital Earth, and a summary of the key achievements to date, and predicts the likely direction and probable future developments within the discipline.