Our Mission

To benefit society by promoting the development and realization of Digital Earth

ISDE Award

Big Earth Data Best Reviewer Award


Peer review serves as the foundation of scholarly communication, providing crucial rigor and validation for published papers. In recognition of the dedicated reviewers who generously devote their time to reviewing and ensuring the high quality of the papers submitted to Big Earth Data, the Editors are proud to establish the Best Reviewer Award, starting from 2023.


– All reviewers for Big Earth Data in the previous year will automatically be considered for the award year.

– The Editors (incl. Executive Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Managing Editor) are not eligible.

Selection Criteria:

– Level of contribution to the review process by providing several high-quality and timely reviews.


– The opportunity to publish a paper free of charge in the subsequent year;
– An official award certificate;

– The opportunity to join the Editorial Board of Big Earth Data.


The awardees are selected each year by the Editors (incl. Executive Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Managing Editor) based on the evaluation of the reviewers' activity and engagement.

If you are interested in becoming a regular reviewer of Big Earth Data, please contact Dr. Linlin Guan at bedj@aircas.ac.cn and kindly submit your curriculum vitae.

The Winners of the Award in 2024:

Xuehong Chen

Tongxin Chen

Xiao Huang

Andrew T. Hudak

Enrique Portalés-Julià

Subham Roy

Julian Steinheuer

Jeff Thompson


The Winners of the Award in 2023:

K. Folkert Boersma

Raul-David Serban

Alexander Mahura

Martin Skoglun

Jean-Daniel Paris

Xiao Zhang