Stephanie Tumampos
Doctoral Student at Technical University of Munich
Stephanie Tumampos is currently a doctoral student at the Technical University of Munich in Germany. She is under the Chair of Remote Sensing Technology of the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy working to understand the dynamics of Earth systems through Earth observation and remote sensing.
She first started her journey in the organization as the organizer of the ISDE12 Youth Forum held in hybrid format in Salzburg, Austria on 2021. After this, she was invited to be part of ISDE to promote the young generation’s role in shaping the Digital Earth goal.
She is also a science communicator working to inspire more people to appreciate the different fields of science and in particular, geoscience and remote sensing.
One of her main advocacies is to promote the welfare women, young people and minorities in the field and give them a voice - a goal for inclusivity.
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