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To benefit society by promoting the development and realization of Digital Earth


The 11th ISDE International Lectures on Publishing Papers in Top Journals Held with Fruitful Outcomes

The 11th ISDE International Lectures culminated on July 25, 2024. This event themed "Innovative Perspectives and Practical Experience of Publishing Scientific Papers in Top Journals" was organized by the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) and supported by the Beijing International Science and Technology Exchange Center and International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). Two invited experts revealed the innovative perspectives of publishing in top-tier journals from different perspectives, not only providing practical academic writing and publishing skills, but also sharing rich practical cases to everyone.


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Prof. Baojing GU from the Zhejiang University, China delivered a lecture themed “Research experiences sharing and insights into publishing in top journals”. He emphasized the importance of international collaboration, introducing the International Soil Research Alliance, UNEP joint projects, and other initiatives he has been involved in, and listed his research publications in top journals such as Nature. He also shared his thoughts on the process of publishing scientific papers, covering every aspect from research design to the peer-review process.



Dr. Shuli CHEN gave a presentation entitled "Amazon forest biogeography predicts resilience and vulnerability to drought" which explored the critical role of Amazon forests in climate change. Firstly, she pointed out that the carbon exchange, water vapor, clouds, heat fluxes, and aerosols from forests significantly impact the climate system. She also explored the mechanisms driving the forest's photosynthetic response to drought, including hydrological gradients (such as the depth of the water table) and ecological hypotheses. Through statistical General Additive Models (GAM) predictions, the study found that factors such as water table depth, soil fertility, and tree height significantly affect the forest's drought response.


Over 8,500 participants from around the world attended the 11th Lectures through Zoom, ISDE Bilibili platform, and other academic streaming platforms.



The ISDE International Lectures are organized by the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) and supported by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). It is a series of online events which feature invited lectures by well-known international experts in the field of Digital Earth. The event will invite speakers to give lectures every two months. The purpose of the events is to bring international scholars in the relevant research fields of Digital Earth together to exchange academic perspectives, share research results, and disseminate the most cutting-edge and authoritative concept of Digital Earth.