Our Mission

To benefit society by promoting the development and realization of Digital Earth

TG II – Social media group
Terms of Reference

•  Set up the BEDJ’s official WeChat account to promote the journal in China.

•  Set up the BEDJ’s official Linkedin account to promote the journal around the world.

•  Manage the WeChat and Linkedin profiles and regularly update content to enlarge our network.

•  Work closely with TGs I and III to make sure the information in each post is accurate, reliable, and timely.

General Plan (2020–2022)

•  Build the BEDJ’s communication ability and strengthen the journal brand through Social Media.

•  Significantly enhance the international and domestic popularity of the BEDJ.

•  Construct scientist contact groups through the official WeChat and LinkedIn accounts.

•  Provide support to improve the quantity and quality of manuscripts.

•  Invite at least three outstanding young scientists to join the BEDJ as topic editors.

Action Plan (2020–2021)

•  Prepare email campaigns for important BEDJ articles, special issues, and events.

•  Create BEDJ’s official WeChat and LinkedIn accounts to push the journal’s newly published papers, highly cited papers, special issues, policy updates, and other related advertisements.

•  Work closely with the Editorial Office, the authors, and TGs I and III to prepare materials for posting online and make each post article rigorous, serious, aesthetic, and lively.

•  Push 1–2 articles a week through both the WeChat and LinkedIn profiles and aim to attract more than 3000 followers.

•  Set up the BEDJ’s award system to encourage scientists to pay more attention to the journal.