1. ISC General Assembly
The incoming ISC Governing Board (nominated by 15 May 2021) will be elected by the ISC membership during the second ISC General Assembly, which will be held online on 11 – 15 October 2021.
2. “Welcome to the ISC” – Meet members of the ISC Governing Board and learn more about the ISC
Has your organization recently joined the ISC as a Member? Are you a newly elected office bearer to your national academy, scientific union or association, or perhaps you have recently started working with an organization that is a Member of the ISC?
In the frame of our Knowledge Sharing series for ISC Members (https://council.science/series-knowledge-sharing/), the ISC is facilitating a welcome and question & answer session for those wanting to learn more about our work, the ISC governance structure, and the ongoing opportunities for participation and collaboration for ISC Members. The online meeting over Zoom provides a chance for all ISC Members to meet Saths Cooper and Pearl Dykstra, members of the ISC Governing Board, to ask questions and to provide feedback to the ISC on our communication and engagement with the membership: https://council.science/members/about-the-isc-online-meeting-for-isc-members/.
Simultaneous interpretation (French, Spanish) will be available.
All staff members and office bearers working within organizations that are part of the ISC membership are warmly invited to participate. No registration required.
Session 1: 18 May 2021, 09:00 – 10:30 CEST via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84769163421
Session 2: 19 May 2021, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83581264933
Please find attached calendar invitations for the sessions, which you can download and add to your online calendar.
3. Launch of the ISC Transform21 Science Portal
We are delighted to announce that the ISC has launched https://www.transform21.org/ – a global science portal to share news and opinions from the ISC network of Members and the broader scientific community in the run-up to the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the 2021 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15). We are working in partnership with the incoming UK Presidency of COP26 to curate material related to this conference.
The portal will feature blogs and interviews, as well as publications relevant to the upcoming conferences that have been prepared by ISC Members and the wider ISC community. A number of featured reports can already be found on the site, and we encourage all ISC Members to share any publications being prepared in relation to this year's climate and biodiversity negotiations via the portal by completing the online form via https://council.science/join-the-conversation/. To propose blogs and to find out more about the portal or, please contact lizzie.sayer@council.science.
4. Participate in the ISC COVID-19 Scenarios Project
A kind reminder to consider contributing your expertise and invite members of your COVID-19 task force, working group or advisory team to complete the online form via https://council.science/covid-19-scenarios/questionnaire/.
5. Recent opportunities within the ISC community
Contribute to the UN Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional Day: presenters, film makers, exhibitors (deadline: 10 May 2021)
Submit an abstract for the NORRAG Special Issue Education in Times of Climate Change (deadline: 21 May 2021)
Apply for the Iberian Space Science Summer School (deadline: 31 May 2021)
Submit nominations for the Norman Borlaug Field Award (deadline: 15 June 2021)
Register and/or submit an abstract to the workshop on the Attribution of Multi-annual to Decadal Changes in the Climate System (deadline: 30 June 2021)
Submit papers to the Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award Competition (deadline: 21 July 2021)
Call for manuscript submission for the Special issue of Forests (deadline: 25 July 2021)
Join or establish a National UN Ocean Decade Committee (ongoing)
Participate in the STRING global survey on how science, technology and innovation can best support the SDGs (ongoing)
Call for online sessions for satellite activities of the Ocean Decade Laboratories (ongoing)
6. Upcoming events within the ISC community
13.05.2021 – The Dasgupta Review – a global review on the economics of biodiversity: https://council.science/events/dasgupta-review-economics-biodiversity/
18.05.2021 – Engaging diverse stakeholders in the UN Ocean Decade: https://council.science/events/engaging-stakeholders-un-ocean-decade/
21.05.2021 – Physics at the edge between Earth’s atmosphere and space: https://council.science/events/physics-earths-atmosphere-space/
25.05.2021 – Climate Research Forum in the Southeast Asia region https://council.science/events/climate-research-forum-southeast-asia/
26.05.2021 – Mixed-mode in Survey Research – Why and How to Implement It: https://council.science/events/mixed-mode-survey-research/
01.06.2021 – Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional Day: https://council.science/events/early-career-ocean-professional-day/
08.06.2021 – The mechanism behind the varying amplitude of the solar cycle: https://council.science/events/sun-making-history/
08.06.2021 – United Nations World Oceans Day 2021: https://council.science/events/un-world-oceans-day-2021/
05. - 11.07.2021 – Summer school on space research, technology and applications https://council.science/events/summer-school-space-research/
30.08. - 02.09.2021 – Conference on Science Advice to Governments (INGSA2021) https://council.science/events/ingsa-2021/
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